Downloading videos from website is safe or legal?


We all like watching videos on popular sites like YouTube, and that’s because we enjoy and learn a lot from them. Video sharing sites allow to upload and earn from unique videos made by people and mostly when we don’t have much time, we can download videos like tutorials and entertaining ones to watch later. However, is it safe and legal to download videos or not? It is a question that bothers almost everyone. According to Google’s terms, the videos can be downloaded only if they have a downloadable link present in the description.

Basically, it is all about how you use those videos, which is why it is better not to put a lot of pressure on the word illegal. If the videos downloaded by you are for home use and not for business use, then it is not a problem at all. First of all, we need to focus on WHY sites like YouTube doesn’t allow us to download videos:

The Advertisements

YouTube generates a significant revenue with the help of these short advertisement segments present in the videos. This is not it, the longer a person stays over YouTube, and the more traffic give this site a visit, adds more to the money it charges for displaying advertisements. The content over such sites is free to watch but is only available to watch online, and people earn from those videos the same way. Payout is entirely based on how many people watch that video and how much time they spend on watching it.

The Copyrights

The intangible property which is a result of creativity and it allows the makers of original unique videos to get a legal right. In which under specific conditions, the genuine piece of work can be copied or put to use by other people. We all know that videos with copyrights must not be downloaded and used for commercial purposes because it can come with a high cost. Further, Google also said that if you find such videos that breaches copyright then do let us know so that the original content creator can get credits from it as well. Other than that, the penalties will be decided by YouTube later.

Using third-party Websites for downloading

You should know that all the video streaming sites are a hundred percent legal to use, plus you aren’t breaching any copyrights while streaming them as well. Google only prohibits using the content for commercial/business use. Also, if you want to add music to your videos, Google asks you to use royalty free music or the music you create. If you are using music or stuff that doesn’t belong to you, then you need to have permission from its owner, to present to YouTube.

Some websites don’t allow you to download the content in excellent resolution, and that is only available to premium members. Such videos can also be downloaded using the sites and applications, but if we use software for downloading them, then they aren’t for free. Maybe at first, they will give you a few days trial to check their product, but later they won’t allow downloading through it unless you purchase it. There are many downloaders available to download from different websites.

Facebook has the same rules as YouTube; the videos uploaded here; most of them are monetized and aren’t available to download. The reason is the same; they contain those annoying ads which we want to avoid because they ruin the hype that is built in the first few minutes. These downloaders allow you to watch videos offline whenever you feel like it and anywhere without any advertisements.

However, video downloaders by smallseotools, lets you download videos from almost all the websites present on the internet. Ads that videos contain, of course, will be automatically removed because they aren’t a part of the video, they just occur according to a set time interval, or some websites have the click function turned on. So, whenever even you try to pause a video, another link in the second tab is opened. With the help of sites, you can download all sorts of videos, and the ads can be kept at arm’s length.

More than 4.5 billion videos are watched every day over YouTube, and more than three hundred hours of videos are uploaded at every minute. With these numbers, we can say it is also the best and safest platform for advertising purposes and for displaying your creativity.